Friday, March 4, 2011

Varolo......Commercials, money, me........Wha??

I can make money Watching Commercials??? Wha...ok, where's the camera's. Am I on punked or some other stupid reality show??

You've heard the old saying "if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is."  Well that ends today!!
Advertisers spend tens of thousands of dollars putting together a thirty second ad.  Then they fork over a bunch more money--sometimes millions of dollars--to play that ad on television.  The ad interrupts your favorite TV show or football game and you decide to use that time to go to the kitchen for a snack, use the restroom, or otherwise tune out. That money just as well went with you to the next room and been flushed down the toilet. That's I usaully go.....can't miss what Stewie is gonna do!!!

Now we own gadgets like Tivo and DVR and we can completely avoid watching the commercials! YAHOO, finally. Worst things is they KNOW we do this during commercials, but until now this was the only option....just throw it out there and by chance someone might come along and get hit with what they just sprayed and maybe just maybe, the next time we are at the store we may remember to buy their products.

Would you take time out of your day to willingly watch a commercial just because the advertiser asked you to?

 Sure, with the right reward.  And that's where Varolo comes in.  When you join Varolo, you give the advertisers permission to show you their ads.  In return, you are rewarded with points,entries into a weekly jackpot and even cash.

Each ad you watch gets you an entry into Varolo's weekly jackpot. It also earns you points which you can redeem for nifty electronics such as DVD players and even an iPad.

By far the best part comes when you invite your friends to join Varolo using your custom referral link.  This is called growing your Varolo village.  When your villagers watch ads, you earn cash.  It's really that simple.

Join My Village Today

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