Pg. 2 Varolo News, Updates & Tricks

No Conformation Email??

Well, the only people I know to actually have this problem are people who signed up thru Yahoo. Why, cuz Varolo and Yahoo have issues. Just like the crazy neighbor next door. Just as soon as you think everything is OK.....Bamm....Yeehaw, I just won three bucks off a scratch off, it's party time and EVERYTHING gets trashed...or in this case,goes to spam.

Everyone else, quit pounding Mt. Dew and Red Bull, slow the hell down and READ the info they give you. 

If you don't get a conformation email, check yours spam folder, DON'T go to the Varolo FB page and ask stupid questions. Cuz you'll get stupid answers. Trust me I'll be there to hand them out.

There is more than enough info on the Varolo page and this Blog you should never have to ask any least the dumb ones....IE, JOIN MY VILLAGE AND I'LL JOIN YOURS.


 Having Problems Watching Video's, Try this

1. Go to channels
2. uncheck all the channels
3. log out then log backin
4 go to channels, check ALL of them
5. go see if videos are working


This the response of an email I sent, in which a member did not want to be apart of Varolo.

I had some concerns and voiced them as well. Varolo was quick with the reply. They pointed out facet of the Facebook App that could easily overlooked.

Thanks again Varolo!! 


 SPAM is a major problem that we deal with every day.  This is why we tell people to add us to their safe senders list when they register but not many people follow the directions...and therefore stuff ends up in SPAM.  When you send an email to villagers, email systems (such as Google) mostly look at the content of what you say.  If you use words like "Jackpot" or "Free" these are often tagged as SPAM.  It is difficult to express the value of Varolo without some of this terms. 
Here is the good news.  We are planning to add an SMS text option in the future (not for a few months), but that should make it easier.  One of the huge benefits of the facebook app is that when people sign up, the confirmation link can be sent to their FB email rather than their regular email.  Their FB email won't have any SPAM issues.  That is really going to help a lot as there are lots of users that don't even get their confirmation emails.  We are also solving for this by allowing the user to login one before confirmation right at the time they register. 
Anyway, it is an issue we continue to struggle with.  I could tell you the other dozen things we are doing to help make a dent in that problem but you get the idea.  Thanks.
The Varolo Team
On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 2:31 PM,  <> wrote:

i am sending you an email I got from a member who wants to not be apart of Varolo. Now, I realize since he did not leave a full name or custom link
There is not much you can do to take him out.

The member in question is using an email I sen probably 2 weeks ago. I know this
cause he alludes to me having 660ppl...i have currently 1300+

My main concern is that he said "All three emails went Gmail Spam"   How many of my other emails are going to SPAM???

I have over 1300, but since you have not fixed the village tree I can't see how many are active down below me., but I do know out of 156ppl
in my first tier only MAYBE 10 are active....Do i have 146 other emails going to SPAM????is that why people are not active???

Actually I have agood idea since I keep in contact with active members.......but that's for another time.

Getting to 1300 ppl, motivating my sponsor PLUS others(who's emails do not goto Spam) and CONSTANTLY updating my blog so to keep others
enthused with Varolo has taken considerable amounts of time. 

You are planning a facebook app release and trying to get as many people to sign up as possible. Given current state of thing is this feasible or sense-able??
How many "New sign ups" will send out emails and have there people go from blue to grey??? There is already one person who takes time to post on your
Varolo page, who is "Bored" cause no one stays active
Please do not take this as scathing or a harsh comment of you guys and your work. I realize i am not part of Varolo's inner working and have no idea
what you have planned as far as site management.

This is just concerns or mine and other members.


I do believe once we go live "grey" villagers will hopefully turn "Blue".........



This Email is concerning one night EVERY SINGLE  video set off my Malware/Virus program. I really wasn't to wworried since it was every video, But thought VAROLO should know. I got a response in less than 2 hrs...and at 10:21pm no less...ya at night. Very nice


Contact Varolo <>
View Contact


It isn't malware.  Your system probably is detecting an XML download which is what we use to deliver the video to the player.  That is my best guess anyway.

The Varolo Team.

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 10:11 PM, XXXX XXXXXX<> wrote:

Every single video I watched last night set my protection off Malware. 
I have a custom software, so it picked it all up and blocked. But It was every single video??



Sue Lepley Varolo Jackpot Winner

Sue Lepley of White Lake, MI is this weeks Varolo jackpot winner.  Of her winning, Sue said:
“Varolo is great!!  After only 2 weeks of watching advertisements and spreading the word about Varolo, my village has grown to 351 and I won the jackpot.  Varolo is the real thing.  No hype here.  Just log in every day, watch and rate the commercials that are available to you, spread the word and your on your way to some nice earnings.  Thank you, Varolo”

Interestingly the full power of the “splash up” winners happened this week as 3 of the 4 splash up winners this week are the same as last week!  It just goes to show that those that really work to build their villages can really earn big with Varolo!

Vivian Frazier, one of the splash up winners said…
Wow! Amazing! Unbelievable! On Friday I made an offhanded comment on the Varolo Facebook page about “Can lightning strike twice?” regarding what are my chances of being part of the jackpot this weekend again? Well, I’m here to confirm YES, that lightning can strike twice! Two weekends in a row! I sure hope I didn’t use up all my blessings in the beginning of Varolo during the beta testing. Congratulations to the winner, my friend James, who also won a 2nd Splash Up and a big THANK YOU to Varolo……..Again!

Vivian Frashier


This email is concerning the "Green People" in our Village, Hopefully Varolo Finds a way to make sure people activate their accounts.

From: Contact Varolo <>
To: Varolo <>
Sent: Fri, March 11, 2011 9:12:49 AM
Subject: Re: Confirmation Email Going to Spam Folder

Yes, there are a couple of ways we plan on handling this.  First, at some point we will have an SMS Txt option in addition to email.  Also, (soon) they will be able to click on a link at registration that takes them right into the site.  They still have to confirm so they can get in the next time, but when they login it will tell them they haven't confirmed and give them the option to resend that email at that time.  So if it is ending up in SPAM, they can go look for it right then.  We hope this will help.
The Varolo Team


March 6th
This weeks jackpot winner is Richard Thole of Coon Rapids, MN.  This is what richard said:
Yesterday around 6:30 pm I signed into my email and was scanning through the new emails and I almost fell off my chair when I noticed an email stating I won this weeks jackpot…I was like no way! With all the people here on Varolo (Some 54,000+) I never thought I would win. It was only a minute or 2 after I read that that my cell phone rang, 800#…Should I answer? Good thing I did and low and behold it was Mr. Kevin Prince. Yes that’s correct! I ended up having a 20 minute or so conversation with him. This morning I am still taken aback that Mr. Prince called. I have been in sales and sales management for 20+ years and the one thing that has always been a common denominator is doing the little things (like a simple phone call) to help build relationships.
I want to take a moment and thank Varolo and the opportunity they are providing all of us that can see the forest through the trees. I have been excited ever since I signed up with Varolo less than two weeks ago. My village is growing daily and currently sits at 238.
I have done a few things to grow at that rate in less than two weeks. I have written and posted a blog. I intend to repost weekly on this blog with ideas and tips to help others grow their village. Also, I connected this blog in two different apps to my Face Book page.
One of the most important things I have done (well actually two things) is to send a welcome email via the Varolo email to every new person who signs up in my village. I offer them help, try and get them excited and offer them my regular email address so they can contact me with any questions or ideas. Secondly, I offered help to anyone on my 1st tier. Meaning, I offered to help them get their village started. By doing so it has helped me get my 2nd tier off the ground which in turn broke open my 3rd and 4th tiers respectively.
I have also sent out an email saying Follow me on Twitter.
This allows me to make tweets that keep those in my village and following me excited and up to date. I also added an RSS feed from Twitter to my blog.
And of course there is Face Book
After speaking with Mr. Prince last night I want to leave you with this: In the next 3-5 weeks there is some very EXCITING changes coming with Varolo for all of us to use and succeed.
I am sworn to secrecy!
Richard Thole

Varolo Jackpot Winner
There are also 4 jackpot splash up winners this week that we will announce as soon as they back to us.

Chris Crean of Red Bank, NJ, one of this weeks splash up winners said “Amazing! I can not believe that after only a few weeks I have won a part of the weekly jackpot! I am amzed at how fast I have grown my village to over 1300 with very little time or effort! What a great concept!”
Vivian Frasier of Castroville, CA is also a splash up winner this week who said “I am in complete amazement that I was part of the Splash Up Jackpot for this week! Joining Varolo started off as a casual “what if” venture and rapidly turned into a serious “this really can happen” scenario. I have been at the tail end of many “opportunities” and suffered losses like so many others, but this time it feels like I’m at the beginning of something really great and best of all there’s ZERO risk! I see Varolo as a way to recreate all the savings that I had lost because of the bad economy and I am so excited to see what the future brings. Varolo will change lives.
I joined Varolo 2/10/11 and was fortunate to sponsor a few talented people who see the same great vision and helped grow my village to 1371 at this writing. One tip I learned from the Varolo blog that helped me was to keep pressing to reach 400-500 mark. At that point I found that my village started to grow on it’s own. Thank you Varolo!!”

James Richards of Missoula, MT said this: “I want to thank you Varolo for the Company you are allowing us to participate in. I say participate because we have to participate if we want this to succeed. To just sit by with no or little effort in Varolo doesn’t help out anybody. Your downline suffers and then so does Varolo. That is why Rich and I both have Blogs going (  AND offers to help EVERY single new sign up we get. I even offer to help out Rich’s personal sign ups. I am 6 short of reaching 1,000ppl since I joined two weeks ago. Thank you Vivian and Richard for the daily emails and chats. I still wanna be on the Leaderboards in a couple weeks. Can’t wait for this………  Thanks James”


 February 27th
Barry Johnson of Shelley Idaho is this weeks Varolo jackpot winner.  Barry has a village of 89 people currently.  Of his winning, Barry said “I am intrigued and amazed at the concept Varolo has and have faithfully watched ads each week.  I am thrilled to win the jackpot and excited to see what the future brings for Varolo and my family. Thanks so much, Barry”

Barry made it possible for 3 others to also win money this week through the Vaorlo jackpot splash up.  There are only three because one person hadn’t agreed to the contest rules and therefore lost their chance at winning some free money.
Splash Up Winners Include: Lisa Gallaso of Carmel, NY who said “I absolutely LOVE Varolo!  You guys have taken a awesome concept and turned it into a user-friendly cash machine.  I am proud to recommend Varolo to my friends and customers.  Regards, Lisa Galasso”

Other winners include:
Coskin Cetin of Fair Oaks, CA
Lindsay Solano, Rowland Heights, CA
Neslihan Celik Cetin of Fair Oaks, CA


Congratulations to Natalie Hall of Stuarts Draft, VA who is this weeks Varolo jackpot winner.  Natalie is new to Varolo and hadn’t even begun building her village yet.  Natalie said:
“I’m very happy with Varolo! Whoever came up with this concept is a genius! Being fairly new to Varolo, I haven’t used it to it’s full potential but the video tutorials make it easy to understand. The perks are worth the time spent for watching ads. I won the jackpot the first time I used Varolo, and I only spent 15 mins watching ads. Thanks Varolo!”

Natalie’s winnings also allowed for 3 splash up winners to also win (one hadn’t agreed to the sweepstakes rules).  The splash up winners are:
Jeff Sinclair of Laguna Beach, CA
Chad Wade of Brighton, UT
Mary Wade of Draper, UT

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