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Here is a way for all of use to connect

The main reason for this little get together is to bring Varolo into the spotlight and get the name better known, so when we mention Varolo to our friends we don't have to defend Varolo and explain it is not a scam.

What I suggest is get as many people as possible together to email various news/talk shows. When I mention this to others automatically every one says AWESOME.....”lets email 45billion shows” and “how will my village link show up on the show??'.

  1. There is no need to do that many shows. All this would take is to be featured on ONE. Oprah, John Stewart, Fox News...ect.
  2. This is not about getting more people. This is about getting the ones we have active OR when we mention Varolo to our friends they don't automatically go into “This is a scam mode”
    We all have talked to.....and been dismissed by enough friends. Lets get those we talked to to signup. That is who you really want anyway. They will probably try harder and stay longer.

Now 5-10 would be more than enough. Remember only need ONE show......more would be awesome!! And trust me if this makes it on something like Oprah more will follow.....we'll probably end up seeing a commercial about Varolo.....maybe even on Varolo!!!!..........LOL

Now where we need the numbers is on the people who are emailing.....100ppl or more would be awesome. Between all of us I think 100ppl all together should be pretty easy.

  1. So first lets work on getting people together
  2. get a list together. Mine so far is Oprah, John Stewart, Stephen Cobert, The View, MSNBC, Fox and Friends.....yes I said fox and friends, a lot of people don't like them...heck YOU don't have to like me if you see Varolo on Fox and Friends you will be jumping in your living room and kissing your TV.
               Now if look at the list, you're gonna say...that's kinda small James. Yes and no. Most of
               these shows have multiple hosts.....the last 3 have 10ppl we will need to send emails to.
     3. set a date when we are going to do implement the project. What we want is for the Hosts to open their email and have it filled with messages about Varolo NOT have 100ppl email over the course of a couple weeks....all in one day.

Now the email.

Each of our emails needs to different, We can send the same email to each show, but each persons email must be different. Some longer some shorter. These don't have to go into great depth.....and honestly probably after the first 5 or 10 they won't even read the rest.

The subject line has to have Varolo in it. No all capital letters, no explanation marks. Spam filter might pick it up. Just something simple.

The Email Body. We don't have to write a book about Varolo. 2-3 paragraphs is more than enough.
I'm gonna say no links, but I know a couple out there are gonna do it anyway. Why I say no links or just the varolo site it will look more professional. Again this is not about getting more people. Also if this is featured on John you really think he is going to sign up and watch video's???? The guys a freakin millionaire.....he's not gonna sit in front of a computer and rate commercials!!! If any of you guys think so....I got a bridge to sell you. They will have people who will research Varolo before it goes on the show. Pretty sure they know about referral links and I can guarantee your village name won't be showing up. If you think so.....again I have this bridge......

That's about it. It's pretty simple. So go below join in and lets get this thing going.

STARTS AT 6pm eastern, 5pm Central, 4pm mountain, 3pm pacific May 1st

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