Friday, March 11, 2011

Making Money With Varolo......Really can you???

Before you start reading, remember Varolo is FREE. Costs nothing to join or be in!!!

Can you make money?

Yes you can. Will you retire in 6 months probably not. Is there anything the average Joe can do on the Internet to retire in  6 months??? If you actually think that is a valid question, you need to quit lickin' the snoozberries off the Short Buses windows.

Now, back to the point. Varolo and money. As I have said before there are 2 ways to make money in Varolo.

  Jackpot entries.
                     There are two ways to win with this method.

 1. Watch video's everyday and get one entry for every video you watch
            (2 entries per video if you watch more than the 140 required each week)                            

 2. If someone in your Village wins.You win 10% of the total!! With the Splash Up (up to 4 degrees of separation.).........I have won TWICE!!!! look in the Varolo blog on their site.

The video's can drive you a little crazy.  Especially the ones you see over and over.....Thank you Delsym for switching your ad. 
One thing about the video's is they keep you active in the company. No watching video's. No money. Varolo doesn't care if your Village is 10,000 people. Ad companies won't pay you to not watch there stuff........that's what they pay the television companies for.......LOL!!!!! Also, if you only watch 90% of your 140 video's in a given week you only get 90% of the total of your Village earnings. Which is kinda nice to know if something happens and you miss a few you don't loose all your earnings.

   Earning Cash
 Admit it, this is the one we are REALLY concerned about. Now this involves 2 factors.    

  1. How many people in your Village, up to 4 degrees of separation. A fifth is possible, but we  still need you concentrating on not licking the windows, so I'll skip that one for now ;-)

2. What advertiser are paying/bidding for ads. Which right now is around 1 cent.
     So lets dig into this second part a little deeper.

Now, we have all seen the video about how to build your Varolo Village. Get 10 who get 10, who get 10, who get 10, who get 10, who get 10, who get 10, who get 10, who get 10, and next thing you know all of China and half of India is in your downline and Warren Buffet is asking you for investment advice.

WHOA!!! Now you almost got me licking the windows. Focus James, focus!!

Don't get me wrong it's a good video and does point out a nice "perfect" picture of how Varolo could work....I know the sponsor of my sponsor does not do a darn thing as far as Varolo goes and is making money, because I have 1200+ppl in my line. Some people are going to work the program and some won't. That's just life. So here is a more realistic approach to Varolo and the money.

So you do your part and get 10 people. Lets say the people you recruit, some try some don't. Lets go even more conservative than the video and say your Villagers only get 3ppl who in turn each get 2 more, who also get 2 more. Sound more conservative? So now your Varolo Village looks like this:

10 + 30 + 60 + 120 for a total of 210 people in your village.

The earnings % in your Village breaks down this way: You are paid 8% of the ad revenue from every ad watched by your personal referrals; 6% on your second level; 4% on your third level; and 2% on your fourth level.

So if everyone watches their 10 minutes a day, this is 20 ads and the  advertisers to spend as little as 1 penny per ad view, making each person's "time" worth 20 cents (bout $1.20/hour). Now, not gonna lie....that sucks. There are little 6 year old kids in China who make more than this!!!

But hold on ... I'll show what will/could happen once Varolo goes public and advertisers have to start bidding against each other.

In the above example, you're making:

10 x (.2 [20 cents] x .08 [8%]) = 16 cents
30 x (.2 x .06) = 36 cents
60 x (.2 x .04) = 48 cents
120 x (.2 x .02) = 48 cents

So for your referral of 10 people and their referrals, if everyone puts in their 10 minutes a day, you're making $1.48/day or about $45/month.....wait if I had 15 kids all working in China and they al........FOCUS JAMES FOCUS, Sorry mind wanders

Now I realize $45/ month is not a lot of money for so many people putting in their time; and again, even though you can watch these ads during your regular TV commercials (or on the bus with your smart phone, etc.), I wouldn't be thrilled about this program if people were basically putting in their time for $1.20/hour.

Did you know that advertisers currently spend up to $50 or $100 per click to their website from Google Adwords. Ya, wasn't joking up to $100 PER CLICK.

With Varolo advertisers get:

1) 30 seconds of someone's attention who has given consent to watch these commercials and can pick which ones they want to view.

2) A prospect chosen by demographics, such as location and interests.

3) Thorough data on results, ROI, etc.

So once Varolo becomes known, do you think that advertisers will spend more than a penny per ad? Of course they will. They are COMPETING against each other for our attention, so just as in Adwords, they will spend more and more to get 30 seconds of your attention. Why do you think Superbowl commercials are so expensive??? Ad companies know during the Superbowl whether the game sucks or not we MAKE sure to watch the commercials. What do those commercials go for???Like 3 million for 30secs?!?!?!

So turn the above example into 5 cents per ad; suddenly each person's time is worth around $6/hour and you earn about $220 per month.

10 cents per ad, each person's time is worth $12/hour and you earn $440 per where talkin

With the ability to choose a wanting audience by demographics, get their attention for 30 seconds, be able to give them special promotions and coupons, and have real-time feedback ... it's a no brainer the ads could end up going to $1 and more per view.

This would make each person's time worth $120/hour, and with your small group of 210 people putting in their time each day, you'd be earning about $4400/month if we hit $1 per ad.

I guess I won't be moving to China after all.

Look this all over, give it some time to digest and ask yourself.

Is Varolo for real and do I wanna miss out on something that could be as big as Facebook or Google, BUT be able to make money with it???

Oh, Ya Varolo is free....forever


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