Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Varolo Vision

I took this one right off the Varolo Blog, just to make sure I didn't miss something.

But here you go right from the CEO of Varolo

Everyone reading this is probably already a Varolo member and you have probably seen the vision of what Varolo can be.  Let me expound on that vision for a moment.  I would ask you to please read this entire letter.  It could make the difference between success and failure in Varolo for you.  It can make the difference between having your home mortgage paid for you or not.
For most it is difficult to make ends meet (especially in this economy) and any extra money you can make really helps.  See, to if you want to improve your financial situation you have to either cut back or make money…and let’s face it…most of us have cut back as far as we can.  But what are you going to do to make more money?  Get another job?  Those are pretty scarce with nearly a 10% unemployment rate.  Ask for boss for a raise?  Companies cutting wages of employees is what is happening.  And yet gas prices and nearly everything else keep going up?  How can we make ends meet?
This is why we developed Varolo.  We wanted to develop a method where people could have unlimited earning potential WITHOUT EVER SPENDING A DIME!  And we did it!  Billions are spent each year on advertising and if we create a platform that benefits advertisers while incenting and rewarding consumers, it will win!  But that takes you!  Varolo is based on a system where the more people participate, the more money everyone makes.  Why is that?
There are lots of advertisers out there and the more users there are in the system, the more advertisers want to use that system, which drive up competition, which drives up the ad prices. And because Varolo gives you a revenue share of those dollars, the more advertisers spend, the more money you make.
As of this writing we offer advertisers a low rate of 1 cent per ad view.  In other words for $100, they can have 10,000 targeted consumers watch an entire video ad, rate the ad, answer a survey question, and engage with the consumer with promotions, discounts, coupons, and even the ability to “buy now”.  1 cent/ad view is only our initial rate.  We know that the value Varolo offers is far greater than any other advertising method they could use.  So why are we the least expensive?  Because we want to attract lots and lots of advertisers which will increase the ad price.
Soon we will be announcing that the minimum ad price will be going up.  This will happen several times.  Each time the ad price goes up, you earn more money because you get a fixed revenue share on that ad view.  So what do you think the ad prices can go up to?  Well compare it to “pay per click” advertising on Google.  Most advertisers pay 50 cents to $50.00 per click.  Which do you think has more value?  A text based ad on the side of the screen or a full 30 second commercial with all the bells and whistles Varolo offers?
What you need to understand is that the money making examples we have listed are based on 1 cent ad view rates.  In our 2 minute tour video we give an example of inviting 10 people that invite 10 people that invite 10 people that invite 10 people.  If all of these users were watching 10 minutes of ads, you would earn $1,530/month.  That is true.  But what if the average ad price goes up to 3 cents?  Now you are making $4,590/month.  What if it goes up to 5 cents?  Now you are making $7,650/month.  What if it goes to 10 cents?  20 cents?  MORE?  Is that possible?  There are many people that thought that pay per click would never get beyond a penny.
Also, that example was based on only 4 degrees of separation.  We wanted everyone to make more money so we set it up to earn on a 5th degree of separation.  What if you have your 5th degree unlocked?  That same example of exponential growth of 10 with a 5th degree all watching 10 minutes of ads earns you over $7,700/month (at 1 cent/ad view).  Now these are really big numbers.  While there are many Varolo users that have signed up thousands of users directly, the average person is only going to sign up a few right?  So while there will be some who will make a killing at Varolo because they know how to market to the masses using the Internet, most will just invite a few friends.  So let’s be as realistic as we can be with a very conservative example.
Let’s say you just invite 4…or perhaps you invite more but only 4 are actively watching their ads. Each of them have 4 active users that have 4 that have 4 that have 4.  ANYONE CAN DO THIS.  At the lowest possible ad price of 1 cent, you would be earning $119.04/month.  Is that worth spending 10 minutes a day watching ads that are relevant to you and getting discounts and promotions on the things you are interested in?  Most people say yes!
But that is what you are going to make today.  What about as that advertiser competition begins to grow.  Does anyone doubt for a second that the ad price won’t quickly go to 5 cents/ad view?  Now without any more effort and just spending 10 minutes/day you are earning nearly $600.  That is a nice car payment, or groceries for a month, or all your utilities.  What if it goes to 10 cents?  Now that is a house payment for many.  All because everyone stayed engaged and active in the system.  See a Varolo community of 5,000 active users can be ignored by advertisers.  A Varolo community of 100,000, 250,000 or a million cannot be ignored by advertisers.  The more users that stay engaged in Varolo, the more value it has to advertisers, which means more money for everyone!
I think everyone knows that Varolo will be successful.  The speed of its success is up to you!  It is up to all of us.  If we all choose to dedicate our 10 minutes/day for the next 6 months to Varolo and invite just 1 person each day, amazing things will happen.  Don’t get discouraged with a small village today.  Don’t get discouraged if your earnings aren’t where you want them to be today.  Remember the vision.  If we all work together, we will be a force that advertisers will use as their primary advertising medium.  Varolo is not a sprint, it is a marathon but only takes 10 minutes a day.  Anyone and everyone can do it.
I know several advertisers that said that if they could micro target their exact audience, they would be willing to spend 25 cents, 50 cents and in some cases more than a dollar for each ad view.  Imagine having a village of a few hundred or a few thousand people that when they watch these ads you are earning a revenue share on it.  This is the power and vision of Varolo.
So my advice!  Watch your ads each day religiously!  Invite 1 person each day to Varolo.  If you want to get aggressive about marketing, there are lots of forums, blogs and other places where Varolo users give advice on what you can do to market.  Be creative!  Don’t worry about people that tell you it is “too good to be true” because eventually they will also catch the vision.  “Too good to be true” is said by those that think it is going to take no effort at all.  Varolo takes effort…but not much.  Just 10 minutes a day and invite 1 person a day and watch what happens.  Varolo is literally a “game changer” when it comes to online advertising but it requires all of us to work together.
You know how when you are driving and due to construction the lanes merge together and everyone begins moving over in a orderly manor…and then all of a sudden some jerk rides up the shoulder and cuts in at the last minute.  Varolo is not for that guy!  Varolo is for everyone who wants to work together to make life better for everyone.  By watching your ads and inviting 1 person a day, you will make the difference and you will see that Varolo will be something that can pay a bill, pay a car payment, pay a home mortgage, or more!  But it is up to you!  Don’t get discouraged.  Stay with it while we drive the ad price up and more people to Varolo.
This is an extremely exciting time and by working together, everyone wins! Remember, we are all in this together!
Kevin Prince

Join my village

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