Thursday, April 7, 2011

Varolo and Network Marketing

Got a video for you guys one of the Network Marketeers on my FB page had, but that's later.

Network Marketing.

What is it and how am I gonna use it to steal your money........ Seriously, that's what most people think when "Network Marketing" and "Home Based Business" is said in the same sentence.

Network Marketing in it simplest form is two or more people talking about a business; how to improve it, make it better or just talking about it. Yep you heard me, just talking about it is the main aspect of Networking. We do it everyday. Meeting up for coffee, lunch, drinks.....whatever. These are all aspects of Networking. Sometimes they they involve the same people; sometimes new people.

Network Marketing is the same.  A group of people getting together usually talking about business. There are a lot of breakfast Network Marketing groups. They meet and mention their business, how it is doing,what is it about and so forth. Sometimes they talk about a specific business.... Avon, Pampered Chef, Bellamora, Varolo....ect.

Yep, I mention Varolo, cuz if you read this blog there is a good chance we have discussed Varolo and since we did that we were essentially Network Marketing. If you leave this Blog and talk to someone else about Varolo you  are Networking Marketing.

Network Marketing like Varolo is not a piece of cake it takes time and patience. You may talk to 100ppl and only 3or 4 will take you up on your offer, BUT  those 3 or 4 will probably be as motivated as you. All it takes is a few like minded people to get together, promote a good money making concept to other like minded people and they will make out like gang busters.

If you think you can make money with Varolo by not talking to friends and family and just inviting random people,You will have a tough time here. Believe it or not friends and family will be the best recruiters and supporters you have.

How hard would YOU try for someone you don't know or probably will never meet??? How hard would you try for your best friend or favorite nephew???

Varolo is free to join and use. No matter how much we talk about I can't steal any of your money, just your time and actually I mention Varolo once or twice to someone if they are not interested  screw 'em. I got more important things to do with my time.

Anyways, here's the video

Hey, where's my wallet???

Join My Village

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