Friday, April 8, 2011

The new Facebook App

Finally it is here!!! Well almost, there are some issues.  After all remember everyone we are still in Beta Testing. Which means things are not perfect(except me) and we need to iron out the kinks.

So I just copied the info from Varolo, but read it, go get the app, figure out what is wrong, write it down and maybe email Varolo later.

Well, we had some issues today with the roll out of the Varolo Facebook app. First, you should know that there are actually two separate applications we have created. The first in what we call Facebook integration where from the Varolo website you can post a message to your FB wall, post your earnings, jackpot entries, and a host of other things. It allows you to promote your village directly from Varolo to Facebook.
The other application is what we actually call the Varolo Faceook Application. This is where you can install your own fan page, install the Varolo app there, and it will sync with your FB page with whatever you want. It is designed to allow you to more easily promote Varolo right through Facebook. Many people get scared of links (where they might go, viruses, malware, etc.) So the Varolo FB app was designed to allow you to promote it right through Facebook, allow users to see the various videos without ever leaving FB, and even register right through your page.
Eventually we can even make it so people can use Varolo right in FB without having to login to Varolo. There are lots of additional features we can add as well.
HOWEVER, Facebook has created som challenges for us at the last minute. The first challenge is that they have blocked our ability to show video ads (the Varolo tour and compensation plan). They have not yet told us why this is. You can look at applications and sites for many other companies and they have videos (much longer and bigger), but for whatever reason ours have been blocked. We are attempting to figure out why this is. In the mean time, we created hyperlinks that would just go out to our site instead. Not idea, but works.
Then today right when we launched the app, Facebook shut down our users ability to sync their Varolo status with their Facebook pages. They gave us no reason for this. See, Facebook has what are known as “rate limits” on how much data can be sent to and from your application. They say this number will increase as needed but don’t give you any way to know what limits you will need. So we aren’t sure if it is a rate limit problem (because within minutes of us releasing the app, scores of people began installing it…even before we announced it was live) or if it is something else. One problem is that this all happened late Friday afternoon so we aren’t sure how quickly Facebook will get back to us. Once they do, we don’t know what it will take to get them to turn the app back on.
So we are a little stuck at the moment. Know we are working very hard to get this working as we believe it will be a great tool for many people to use to promote their village growth. In the mean time, we appreciate your patience as we work this out.
The Varolo Team

Join Me on Varolo

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